Support your classroom with personalized reading instruction

The Read With Ello app uses state-of-the-art technology to listen to your students read from 700+ decodable books, support them when they get stuck, and give them motivating feedback.

Backed by
and a team of leading U.S. and European investors

Three ways to use Ello with your students

Read With Ello App

[Coming soon] Access to an account free version of the award-winning, evidence-based app.

Ello Online Library

Access to Ello’s full library of 700 decodable books (no iPad needed)

Ello Access

Low-income students get an 80% discount on an at-home subscription to Ello

Get Free Access to Ello for Schools

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Email or text (415) 214-8119

Access to Hundreds of Engaging Decodables From Any Device

High-quality decodables that implement the latest Science of Reading research can be hard to find and expensive. Ello offers free access to these crucial early literacy tools from any web browser. Now you can focus more on teaching while your students get lost in a library of hundreds of books.

The Perfect Companion for Independent Practice in the Classroom

Make the most of independent reading, small group instruction, and reading stations. Ello keeps kids on on task while providing evidence-based reading support. Whether you have one iPad or a class set, Ello can support independent learning in your classroom with it's accountless mode [coming soon].

Ello Access Unlocks Confident, Independent Reading for All Students

Literacy is a civil right for every child, so if you have any students whose families participate in SNAP or EBT programs, their parents can sign up for the full Read With Ello app for only $3/month—an 80% savings. All it takes is one simple application for a qualifying family to get full access to the Read With Ello app on any iPhone or iPad.

Ello by the Numbers: Created by Experts, Trusted by Teachers, Loved by Readers

Number of reading specialists and teachers who contributed to Ello’s decodable book library

Number of publications that Ello’s literacy advisor, Tim Shanahan, has authored or edited

Number of Ello decodable books available online to educators

Number of books read by children on the Read With Ello App in 2023

Practice with the Reading Skills Your Students Need, Using the Most Current Research

The scope and sequence of Ello’s decodable books was developed by reading specialists and based on evidence-based practices in the instruction of literacy skills in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. It aligns closely with numerous structured literacy curricula and is easy to navigate by grade level and skill.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grade levels does Ello support?

Ello is designed for grades K-3.

Why do you need my email address?

So we can get you access to both free options for Ello and keep you updated on new Ello features for schools in the future.

How do I get started?

Just fill out the sign-up form to receive access and information via email.

How do I set up the free Read With Ello app for my classroom?

Make sure to check “The Read With Ello App for iPad” box when you fill out the interest form above. We’ll send the link to get started to the email address you provide. Please note this mode is still in development; you'll be the first to know once it's released.

What is the difference between the Ello Online Library and the schools version of the Read With Ello app?

The Ello Online Library contains all of our decodable books that can be read on any internet browser; the Read With Ello app includes the same access to decodables, but requires an iPad and includes voice-recognition based coaching for students. Unlike the regular Ello app, neither of these versions have individual student accounts.

How do I send a family the Ello Access Application?

Send them the Ello Access Form

Have questions?
Email or text (415) 214-8119