Welcome to Ello!

Now it’s time to download the app

Search “Read with Ello” in your tablet’s app store.

Ello only works on tablets, not on mobile devices or web browsers.

FIRE TABLET OWNERS - Ello only works on an adult account, NOT a child’s account.

There are three ways to download Ello on your child’s tablet.
First, make sure it is connected to the internet, then pick one of the options below:

There are three ways to download Ello on your child’s tablet. First, make sure it is connected to the internet, then pick one of the options below:

Option 1

Type this link in the browser on your child's tablet to go directly to the app:

Option 2

Scan this QR code using the camera on your child's tablet:

Option 3

Go to the app store on your child’s tablet. Search for “Read with Ello”, and download the app with this picture of Ello!

App Store

Android Tablet
Play Store

Fire Tablet

Samsung Tablet Galaxy Store

Option 3

Go to the app store on your child’s tablet.

App Store

Android Tablet
Play Store

Fire Tablet

Samsung Tablet
Galaxy Store

Search for “Read with Ello”, and download the app with this picture of Ello!